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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  October 20, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ (male announcer) this is the bay area news station. kron 4 news starts now. >> the bart train strike kills two people on the
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tracks. the ntsb is now getting involved. >> coa >> meantime its day three in the bart strike and still no deal. we'll have the latest coming up >> this just in to the kron 4 news room all three lanes have just opened in lafayette had just opened after six cars were involved with major injuries. after an accident at 5:30 a.m. let us check in with your traffic with robin. >> good morning not only are there problems in lafayette there is a crash on the bay bridge blocking several planes. there is no bart service. you should leave early this is a live look heading into san francisco with no problems at the toll plaza. however, west-80 04 treasure island on the new eastern span it is in the
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clearing phases but it is still blocking two of the lanes. as we mentioned that accident in lafayette it is lingering on eastbound 24. at one point it was blocking all lanes. towards walnut creek. if you normally take part but you need to plan early. that is a look at traffic and now, janu. >> good morning, robin. we are waking up to some fog with chilly conditions. 42 degrees in hayward. 49 degrees in livermore. we will take a look at the sunshine coming up. >> authorities are working
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to determine what caused a bart train to hit and kill a bart employee and a contract worker. this all happened about one mile north of the walnut creek bart station yesterday after afternoon.on the second day of the ongoing bart strike. kron 4's mike pelton is live at the scene. mike we understand the n-t-s-b is getting involved? >> reporter: yes, marty they are sending to investigators to the bay area that should are rod today. i just spoke with the ntsb. they could launch a full-fledged investigation and it is parallel line with the investigation by bart police. it is very quiet with the exception of just a couple of bart police officers that secured the tracks. this train has not gone anywhere. when it struck the workers yesterday at around 2:00 p.m. it was not carrying passengers it was just a maintenance
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round. they hit a dip in the tracks. it was under a computer control and the maintenance workers the common practice is for one on the the real system and the other is serving as a lookout. it is not clear if the protocol was followed. both employees were veterans of the interest-rate. of the int industry -- they are veterans of the industry. >> these are experts. i cannot tell you how long did they have been working with bart i believe the both of these employees have a considerable amount with freight railroads as well. their specialty is track work. >> reporter: officials have not released their names but we do know that one is the part of the bart labor unions. despite the strike that the employee had made a decision to show up for
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work. it is not clear who is operating the trains during the strike. bart management has said that potentially during the strike they grabbed managers operating trains but there are only saying that the operator was experienced. >> where was the train headed? >> during this incident, they say that some of the cars on the trains had graffiti on them so there were molding on them. they're removing them from concord to richmond. there were making a return trip when the accident occurred. >> mike, thank you. bart unions will not be picketing today out of respect for the workers killed saturday. contract standstill. the two sides did not meet saturday. and it is unclear when the two sides will meet face-to- face. bart says it has made it's best and final offer. bart unions want portions of the proposal to go to arbitration. bart rejects that idea. the issues remain wages and work rules. that includes
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daily scheduling and the use of new technology. >> work rules is something that govern our lives as workers and union rights. we are not going to give those up because those are issues that protect us. they have been established practices. anything could happen if they can do and say anything at allpresident of oine of the striking unions antonette bryant plans on presenting bart's latest offer to her union members. and later this week the proposal will be put up for a vote. the president of another striking bart union says it's unlikely she will do the same. in the meantime. a spokesperson for bart says they are focusing on the tragedy in walnut creek. >> commuters continue to look for alternative transit options the san francisco bay ferry is a very popular choice. ferry service more than doubled it's daily ridership on friday. and on saturday, hundreds hustled to catch the first ferry from oakland to san
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francisco. during the bart strike san francisco bay ferry is running extra boats. it is offering expanded weekend service between oakland, alameda and san francisco. and a regular weekend schedule between vallejo and san francisco. and a reminder, there are still other weekend transit options during the bart strike. if you're heading into san francisco - bart is offering limited charter bus trips. they'll be from these 9 bart stations. running from 6 to 9 in the morning.and then again from 3pm to 6 pm. also - a-c transit will run many of its regular sunday bus lines - twice as often. for more detailed travel schedules. visit kron stay connected with kron-4 for the latest on the bart strike. check in on also - our facebook and twitter pages. you can also download our mobile app to get push alerts for the latest bart information. >> new this morning- four
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walnut creek families are without a home this morning. firefighters are mopping up a blaze. the fire started overnight in a second story unit at the boulders apartment complex off of north civic drive. the flames spread to six units in the building and was extinguished around 3 a-m. four units were heavily damaged while the other two sustained moderate damages. of the four families displaced seven are adults and five children. the red cross is providing temporary housing to those affected by the fire. the cause of the fire is still unknown, however, officials say it does not appear to be suspicious. >> coming up on kron 4 news weekend the partial government shutdown is over, but could there be a round two? we'll tell you the latest in a budget battle between the house and the senate coming up.
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soon, californians from sacramento to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at >> the partial government shutdown is over, but there
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could be a round two? lawmakers ended round one this week by passing a bill to fund the government through january 15th. now scott thompson reports a budget battle between the house and senate will continue. >> there were no winners in this. >> reporter: the 16-day shutdown is over and furloughed workers are back to work and national parks and zoo's reopened, all seems to be back to normal in washington, dc, but is it? the goverment is now funded through janurary 15th. but the clock is ticking for a new budget plan. many americans' are skeptical the government can't agree on a deal in just a few months. >> both republicans and democrats cannot get along, and honestly i have no faith in them. >> they should be able to sit down like sensible people and settle things. >> reporter: going forward the budget conference committee will try and blend a senate and house budget plan by december 13th. if they aren't successful we could enter another government shutdown. >> we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach
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to a responsible budget. >> reporter: easier said then done as we have seen on capital hill. tea party senator ted cruz is back for round two. in an interview expected to air on abc's "this week", he didn't rule out shutting down the government a second time. >> i will continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that is obamacare. >> reporter: aside from obamacare funding -- republicans may also halt plans that raise taxes. and they will push for lower government spending and changes to entitlement programs. this won't bode well for the senate budget plan that includes tax increases. so now its another waiting game to see if the house and senate can come to a compromise before the last hour. scott thompson for kron 4 news. ♪ too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪
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mmm! ♪ too happy. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want
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chase. so you can
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>> welcome back it is 8:16 this live look at the golden gate bridge it is still socked in with the fog. a bit more dense and also some clouds have developed, inland. we are expecting to see a lot of sunshine but cloudy along the coast and mild temperatures. tomorrow, clouds to start but sunny. slightly cooler this week. because of the dense fog low visibility. zero visibility in some areas. and if you were driving in those areas use extra caution. temperatures? it has also been chilly. 37 degrees in santa rosa. and also in hayward, 46 degrees carly in half moon bay. 60s along the
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bayshore. putting the clock into motion 80s for the warmer spots. 60s along the coast. we are expecting a mainly 50s indicated by the blue on your screen. 80s in cupertino. santa clara. and the east bay inland valleys we are also looking at 80s along the delta. low mid 70's for the east bay shore. 71 degrees expected with 64 degrees in ocean beach. partly cloudy and in the north bay a mixture of '70s and '80s. 82 degrees for napa. taking a look your kron 4 7 day around the bay these are gradually cooling as we go for the workweek
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but typical for this time of year. however, plenty of sunshine with the 60s, 70's, 80's. traffic with robins. >> yes, there are two different hot spot said. in the east bay highway no. 24 there is an accident. it is still difficult getting to here at the lafayette accept. at one point all the lanes are closed still, the left light is still blocked. traffic was at a standstill is however, in the clearing process. again east bound 24 through hot lafayette. going over to the bay bridge also, there was a hot spot on the bay bridge westbound before treasure island. a bit closer to the eastern span on the top or there is still a lot of debris. all lanes are open but it is looking towards the pay gates. just
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after the toll plaza there is heavy traffic towards treasure island. still difficult but all lanes are open. if you are going over the san mateo bridge? is foggy. use extra caution, reduced your speed. but it is trouble-free between hayward and foster city. take it easy across the span. there is the if nike women's marathon and of course, no part. michael yaki is joining us to speak about the bart
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strike. and the tragedy from yesterday and how it could impact the negotiations. >> guest: i am not relieve convinced that it is going to impact negotiations toward, the ntsb getting involved. their investigation will take months perhaps even one year. you can hear a lot of chatter about weather or not it was a federal operator or if they were not trained regardless it is a tragedy. it would be very bad if anybody tried to use this as part of the negotiations. i hope that it does not become any part of the negotiations. >> do think that it could foster a spirit of yes we are all a family and let us get back to getting back to work? >> guest: you would hope so but i do not see any of that happening. however, many people are still entrenched
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there are still union member discussions but there is no indication of how much influence that person has. as for the bart board leading towards management. for the board of supervisors it was important to have the majority o to get changes done. but i do not see that happening. >> where does the federal mediator stand in all this? is there still communication between both sides? >> guest: there is probably going to be some communications. however, both parties would have to say that one side does not want to negotiate. it was pretty clear that it came on
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the heels that proposal to basically wipe out the work rules and start with a clean slate. that was the catalyst. but i think that as going forward, the transit workers want to put a contract to a vote. >> the contract as it stands now the want to send it to the membership? >> guest: yes but the management says the they do want to have a vote from the members. we do not to just cherry pick our items. the problem is that they do not have nancy pelosi on the us. here, it is pretty certain that even the question is that it's the boy to be more difficult position for the union? where does it get to the bart board? still, they do not want to negotiate with that could solidify things which is bad. we want
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them to called more. instead of-decker would like them to -- told more instead of fighting each other. >> one union wants to do something and one the union does not want to talk. what does that say? >> guest: i think that one union has decided that they're going to call management's pilaf and the others is why waste the time? >> michael, thank youthanks michael. and if you'd like to connect with michael. you can do so on twitter - at-yaki-blog.
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>> this weekend, the women's nike marathon this is causing street closures and muni route changes. this video of the runners
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was sent to us by a kron 4 viewer this morning from bay and laguna streets. the race started at 6:30 this morning at union square. it will travel along the waterfront and through the presidio and golden gate park. it will then finish at the great highway by 4 p.m. race officials say that residents who have trouble getting to their homes should call 3-1-1. for more information on street closures and muni schedules you can go to >> coming up what led to the fiddle bart crash in walnut creek after the break the fatal -- part crash. [ male announcer ] it is more than just a new car...
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more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. it is a completely new era of innovation. and the highest expression of mercedes-benz. introducing the 2014 s-class. the best or nothing.
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>> authorities are working to determine what caused a bart train to hit and kill a bart employee and a contract worker. this all happened about one mile north of the walnut after afternoon.on the second day of the ongoing picketing today out of respect for the workers killed saturday. contract negotiations remain at a standstill. the two sides did not meet saturday. and it is unclear when the two sides will meet face-to- face.
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>> they want to stay clear and when a train gets to the location. >> the train was run by an experienced operator but was also saying that it was also hot on the automatic the was -- on the automatic mode. union members have said that they are not going to be picketing out of respect for those families. with
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mainline operations be able to clear the envelope train gets to their location. the train was reportedly run but the train was set in automatic mode at the time of the crash, which means it was being controled by a seventh fatalities in bart'sunion members have said that they will not picket today victim's families. commuters are now approaching what might be recent memory tomorrow with bart on strike. kron four's philippe djegal has the latest. >> reporter: while bart workers on strike picketed outside of the pittsburgh bay point station... antonette bryant, the president of a-t-u local 15- 55 tells kron four... that negotiations between the unions and bart management is at a stand- still. the two sides did not meet at the bargaining table saturday... and, it's unclear when the two sides will meet face-to-face. >> work rules are something that we do not want to give op that govern our lives. >> reporter: bart says it has made it's best and final offer... and, that it does not want to do as the unions have proposed and go to the portion of it's proposal disputed by the unions. that being--wages..and work rules. including daily scheduling. and the use of new technology. still, bryant says she plans on presenting bart's latest offer to her union members... and, later next week...
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put the proposal up for a vote. in the meantime... a spokesperson for bart says they are focusing on the tragedy in walnut creek... and, will address the time. >> we are dealing with the situation with the labor union issues are not in the forefront of our mind. we have just lost two members of the bart family. >> reporter: and, while members of bart's largest union -- s-e-i-u local 10-21 lit candles while on the picket line at the lake meritt bart station in oakland... in memory of the men who died. the union's president roxanne sanchez says it's unlikely that she will present bart's latest offer to her members and put it up for a vote. philippe djegal, kron four news. robyn has the latest on traffic. >> good morning. we are expecting a lot of issues just like yesterday it got busy. we will start on the westbound approach it is looking decent but a multi-
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vehicle accident on the bridge, earlier. it is no longer a hot spot. and the treasure of violent music festival and the women's marathon sponsored by nike.. all costing issues. if you are traveling through the east bay and you normally take bart, all lanes are open on highway no. 24 there was a multi- vehicle accident of a love that accident earlier. traffic has recovered. the multi--vehicle accident at lafayette --. earlier. that is a look at traffic and now, it janu? >> good morning. we are looking at the san mateo bridge you cannot really see much visibility. waking up to a dense fog. and a bit of
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a chilly start. 30's in the north bay. 30's through santa rosa. richmond, 46 degrees in half moon bay. already in the 60s in fremont. we are expecting mainly sunny skies and partly cloudy conditions along the coast but some breaks of sunshine. 73 degrees in oakland. '70s in downtown san francisco mid- 60s and half moon bay. for the half moon bay art and pumpkin festival. if your headed of this evening, mild temperatures. mid '50s in downtown san francisco by 8:00 p.m. and cooling off to 60 degrees which is where we are right now. a look at your extended forecast, coming up. marty? >> thank you, john to.janu
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>> we're now taking a closer look at some of the main workplace issues behind the bart strike. kron 4's justine waldman gives us a tour of the daly city bart breakroom, which is filled with more than >> reporter: an antcrawls on the microwave.,. behind the mini fridge a pile of mice droppings. and the the stuffy spacehits strong >> "like a dead rat, something dead." >> reporter: a station agent for 17 years. patricia peters showed me her break room at the daly city bart station. the room is behind this blue door, under the stair case. inside it is a tight fit >> " my arms are barely out. how tall are out 5'5." >> reporter: signs say not to throw food in the garbage peters says it is because rodents live here. >> "you leave your lunch at the table, run outside to get a soda and you come back in and a rat is eating your food." >> reporter: dripping down the walls what peters told me is urine seeping through from above. >> that is disgusting.
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>> reporter: the room also serves as storage for outdated fliers. and lost and found. like this bike and broken tv. >> "that is part of what we are fighting forsafety and better working condtions for us." >> reporter: in response to the dirty daly city break room bart tells kron 4 news. "the room they are talking about is the brochure room. it is not intended to be a break room but atu employees have put things in there to make it a break room just for themselves." and there is an official break room on the platform level. peters disagrees. >> "that room for train operators right back on train they don't have time and for the floor workers that room accomaadations there is not enough room this is the station agent break room." >> "how do they clean it? there is a bottle of lysol lying around." >> "we work really hard to make bart number 1 we work very hard and i just think we deserve better." >> reporter: in daly city justine waldman kron 4 news.
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>> stay connected with kron- 4 for the latest on the bart strike. check in on also - our facebook and twitter pages. you can also download our mobile app to get push alerts for the latest bart information. >> this is the anniversary of a tragic day in bay area history. on october 20th 1991. the oakland hills firestorm killed 25 people and burned nearly 4-thousand homes. the blaze took 3 days to contain. it is still one of the worst fires in u-s history. the economic loss was estimated at $1.5 billion. at the fire's peak, it destroyed one home every 11 seconds. gusting winds and 90-degree temperatures spread the flames to more than 15- hundred acres. >> coming up on the kron 4 news weekend. kron 4's vicki liviakis will tell us where to book your holiday dinner reservations.
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look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy.
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♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste. female announcer: sleep train's sleep train's inventory clearance sale, ends sunday. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. but hurry, sleep train's inventory clearance sale ends sunday. guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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dine and dish holiday >> you can never start too early making your holiday plans. we have recruited a foodie. >> let us what of the halloween candy for a turkey leg if you would like to an alternative? what would you suggest? >> you know, americana does a holiday feast for the family it is well priced and also great ingredients. i would also recommend boulevard is a no-brainer. we always have a great time and also the big 4 is a great atmosphere with potpies, in manhattan p.m. of music. >> fun and elegant.
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>> and all soitalian? >> yes, that is great for christmas eve it is all about seven different types and also 816 puts on and also 1300 is doing a gospel brunch that will be a lot of fun with great music and great food. >> absolutely. >> and cannot leave out the libations. where are some of the hottest places to go? >> i may bit of a traditionalist. go to the elixir with big punch bowls and also the hideout and the egg noggy nog..and you said
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stumble.. and clikc on dine and dish.
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soon, californians from sacramento to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at
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>> welcome back we are starting off with the dense fog and low cloud coverage. is a bit cooler. temperatures are in the 40's, santa rosa. 40's in san francisco, oakland. mid 40's in concord. and also livermore we are expecting mainly sunny skies and cloudy along the coast. however, temperatures are nice. the 80s and concord. 80 degrees today for your kron 4 7 day around the bay san jose the the temperatures are gradually going to cool off. upper 70's for the mid-week. 8:47 and robin? >> they to > >janu. thank
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you -- and also a difficult problem on it the nimitz. this is 880 south at the south street exit. it looks like a hit & run. it is quickly backing up traffic on the nimitz of san leandro towards hayward. towards san francisco looking decent. there was an earlier accident on the bridge but it is now cleared and the treasure island music festival and the women's marathon costing issues and again, no bart system. >> thank-you robyn. chances are that you have used amazon-dot-com. if you haven't you likely know someone who has. it is the worlds largest on- line retailler. the man behind amazon-dot-com is jeff bezos. he is the topic of a new book titled the everything store. jeff bezos and the age of amazon. joining us
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this morning is author brad stone. they do for joining us you have worked 15 years covering silicon valleys. with a variety of news organizations. the queue for joining us. why is he a stand out thank-you. >> he is really the heir. to steve jobs and he is the entrepreneur war. he drives the innovation and he is an operator. he runs a company that is going to bring in $75 billion in revenue this year. >> you are right. it is amazing that this started as an online retailer for books. now, it is the everything stored tell us about just how he was able to forge his leadership.
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>> guest: very aggressive, expensive and going for the opportunity as it presented itself. in the late 90's, there was a lot of hype and the just went for a debt. he expanded in every possible way. and then also the amazon kindle. >> tell us about him, as an individual because he is a very private man. not a lot of people know. what do you learn? >> guest: his secrecy is why this story is so interesting. i say that probably the big thing is that so many of these political and business leaders. it really starts with his early childhood and his biological father that he never knew. running a bicycle store outside of phoenix and he did not know that his son.
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>> he did not have any idea? >> guest: correct. and of course, with some measure of free connection is why this is a very interesting personal story. >> what else? >> guest: as customers, we love amazon. tips iand for people in the retail and book world they are sometimes perceived as ruthless. >> why do think this idea has proven to be so successful? >> guest: because it is a great shopping experience that is what it boils down to. we all have the experience of trying to park in the parking lot of the big box store. and having a customer experience that is less than optimal. experience is known for a lot of things but there also
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customer focused with excellent experience and they have mastered this. shipping it right to your doorstep. >> that is one of the true of motivating factors from what i understand is that customers are less. >> guest: customer service --. >> yes. and i know that he has pursued barnes & noble and even a shoe retailer why did the purchase the washington post? >> guest: the opportunity presented itself and i believe that he has always loved books. he has developed an editorial portion on a kindle and he thinks that the washington post in the long term can
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help amazon. he also thinks that he could come up with a great franchise. >> what is the future of >> son? >> it is probably still going to expand. the future of amazon --. >> it is interesting. >> guest: they have no started to sell fine art. >> guest: yes. >> the book is available on amazon believe it or not blu l look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver.
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back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> sports. meantime its day three in the bart strike and still no deal. we'll have the latest coming up
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sharks 6, flames 3. joe pavelski scored two power- play goals, helping to keep the san jose sharks unbeaten at home with a 6-3 victory over the calgary flames on saturday night. brent burns, scott hannan, patrick marleau and logan couture also scored for the sharks, who have won their first five at home. sean monahan, mikael backlund and jiri hudler scored for the flames, who lost their second straight after opening the season 4- 0-1. antti niemi stopped 16 of 19 shots to record his 11th career won over the flames, his most against any team. karri ramo, making his first start since the season opener, made 30 saves. oregon st. dominates california for a 49-17 win
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station. kron 4 news starts now. >> the ntsb is on its way to the bay area after a bart train it kills 2 workers. >> meantime its day three in the bart strike and still no deal. we'll have the latest coming up good morning. it's sunday october 20th. i'm marty gonzalez. lets get the latest from the tragedy yesterday. this is the second day of the ongoing strike and mike pelton is live. authorities are working to determine what caused a bart train to hit and kill a bart employee and a contract mile north of the walnut creek bart station yesterday after afternoon.on the second day of the ongoingkron 4's mike pelton
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is live at the scene. mike we understand the n-t-s-b is getting involved? >> reporter: yes they should arrive today of but i did speak with the ntsb earlier. they could launch their own investigation or as simple as fact-finding but it will be parallel ing with parts own investigation. the train was not carrying passengers it was merely on a routine maintenance run. bart officials say that at that time, it was on a computer automated control. both had very much experience. protocol is that one is looking out for traffic and the other is looking at the tracks. >> they were on a sample
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approval procedure which he essentially means that they should stay clear of the tracks. not interfere with the mainline operations and be able to clear the operating envelope within 15 seconds of when a train gets to the location. >> reporter: what led to that koresto that crash? that is the big question investigators are going to be looking into that. it is not clear who was operating the train but it has previously said that during this previous strike management could have been operating the train. they are only sang at this point that it was an experienced operator. >> many people are wondering where was the train going? >> reporter: some of the train cards had suffered graffiti in the concord yards the train-cars
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suffered graffiti and they were going to/from. to clean up that graffiti. >> thanks, mike. bart unions will not be respect for the workers killed saturday. contract negotiations remain at a standstill. the two sides did not meet saturday. and it is unclear when the two sides will meet face-to- face. bart says it has made it's best and final offer. bart unions want portions of the proposal to go to arbitration. bart rejects that idea. the issues remain wages and work rules. that includes daily scheduling and the use of new technology. >> work rules govern our lives as workers and union rights and we are not going to give those up because those are issues that protect us. they are established practices that are ongoing. to give that up means that anything can happen. if they can do and say anything that they want to. >> president of oine of the striking unions antonette bryant plans on presenting bart's latest offer to her
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union members. and later this week the proposal will be put up for a vote. the president of another striking bart union says it's unlikely she will do the same. in the meantime. a spokesperson for bart says they are focusing on the tragedy in walnut creek. let us check with traffic robin? >> yes many people are driving. however, ac transit and muni and caltran are still running. golden gate bridge is still doing fine however there is the san francisco nike women's marathon because several streets are closed along the embarcadero and the marina district and breed of boulevard. still, slope towards the presidio parkway
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and the marina/embarcadero boulevard. slow--towards the presidio. >> yes. we are waking up to some dense fog along the inland areas. low visibility. >> thank you, john o best and final offer.
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commuters continue to look for alternative transit options the san francisco bay ferry is a very popular choice. ferry service more than doubled it's daily ridership on friday. and on saturday, hundreds hustled to catch the first ferry from oakland to san francisco. francisco bay ferry is running extra boats. it is offering expanded weekend service between oakland, alameda and san francisco. and a regular weekend schedule between vallejo and san francisco.and a reminder, te still other weekend transit options during the bart strike. if you're heading into san francisco - bart is offering limited charter bus trips. they'll be from these 9 bart stations. running from 6 to 9 in the morning.and then again from 3pm to 6 pm. also - a-c transit will run many of its regular sunday bus lines - twice as often. for more detailed travel schedules. visit kron stay connected with kron-4 for the latest on the bart strike. check in on also - our facebook and twitter pages. you can also download our mobile app to get push alerts for the latest bart information.
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>> new this morning- four walnut creek families are without a home this morning. firefighters are mopping up a blaze. the fire started overnight in a second story unit at the boulders apartment complex off of north civic drive. the flames spread to six units in the building and was extinguished around 3 a- m. four units were heavily damaged while the other two sustained moderate damages. of the four families displaced seven are adults and five children. the red cross is providing temporary housing to those affected by the fire. the cause of the fire is still unknown, however, officials say it does not appear to be suspicious. >> coming up on kron 4 news weekend the partial government shutdown is over, but could there be a round two? we'll tell you the latest in a budget battle between the house and the senate coming up. believe it or not that is the san mateo bridge you can see the headlights but there are foggy conditions.
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>> the shutdown is over, but
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there could be a round two? lawmakers ended round one this week by passing a bill to fund the government through january 15th. now scott thompson reports a budget battle between the house and senate will continue. >> there were no winners in >> reporter: the 16-day shutdown is over and furloughed workers are back to work and national parks and zoo's reopened, all seems to be back to normal in washington, dc, but is it? the goverment is now funded through janurary 15th. but the clock is ticking for a new budget plan. many americans' are skeptical the government can't agree on a deal in just a few months. >> both republicans and democrats cannot get along, and honestly i have no faith in them. >> they should be able to sit down like sensible people and settle things. >> reporter: going forward the budget conference committee will try and blend
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a senate and house budget plan by december 13th. if they aren't successful we could enter another government shutdown. >> we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget. >> reporter: easier said then done as we have seen on capital hill. tea party senator ted cruz is back for round two. in an interview expected to air on abc's "this week", he didn't rule out shutting down the government a second time. >> i will continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that is obamacare. >> reporter: aside from obamacare funding -- republicans may also halt plans that raise taxes. and they will push for lower government spending and changes to entitlement programs. this won't bode well for the senate budget plan that includes tax increases. so now its another waiting game to see if the house and senate can come to a compromise before the last hour. scott thompson for kron 4 news. >> president obama is expected to address the problem-plagued rollout of his health care legislation. aides say he's been frustrated by the website issues. the president told his team that the administration had no excuses for not having
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the health care website ready. administration officials say about 476-thousand insurance applications have been filed through new health-care exchanges. ; yaki will be talking about the bart strike in the studio with us.
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>> welcome back let us check-in with janu. >> we did see some clouds developed in the inland areas. we are starting to see some areas of clearing. and plenty of sunshine expected. however partly cloudy along the coast. we will see some afternoon sunshine and mainly sunny skies but slightly cooler temperatures taking a look at temperatures right now is starting to warm up. 30's
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and '40's. 50 degrees in oakland. and mid '50s for those of you in pleasanton. noon, we are going to see 60s along the bay shore. mainly 70's indicated by the yellow. as we go for this afternoon 80s indicated by the orange. 70's for the bayshore. and for those headed out temperatures are dropping to the '50s in the 60s. for the afternoon highs we are looking at low 80s and the south bay. with '70s along the bayshore. tomorrow, slightly cooler conditions in the cool down. as we go for the workweek but still pretty nice conditions. 70's and 60's for the coast. and how about traffic with robin.
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>> slow and congested on the city streets because of the nike women's marathon. and of course no bart service. it is going to be congested here is the view from the east bay from the toll plaza 12 minutes from berkeley towards downtown prison earlier crash that has been cleared. no delays but the city streets along the embarcadero, marie not are congested because of the women's marathon. and the -- embarcadero and marina. there is a fog advisory with the exception of the cortines--carquines bridge is fine however half moon
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bay pumpkin festival also causing detai delays and also te music festival on treasure island. >> the tragedy yesterday from bart that happened in walnut creek. joining us now is michael yaki to talk about the bart strike. >> guest: i do not know if it will have an impact on the negotiations but it underscores that is a very serious and tragic situation. bart, when you cut for all of this is still very much a family of workers. i think that is probably what is going to be the mood going forward. the ntsb is probably going to take a six-month-one year to
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establish a report. >> you know, one thing that came out of yesterday's accident was communication from bart and the union. there was one message that we are all under the bart umbrella. one issue, however is that both sides have difficulty communicating but there were able to do that yesterday. >> guest: it was kind of like the movie " from cool hand lutke is what we have here is from here to communicate. and i think that it is also important to know that they had a pension contribution agreement. and health-care contribution agreement. however, they did have some wheat agreement but still, the failure to communicate. on one hand
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they say that they want to enforce work rules and however wages connected to that. and overtime is also connected to the budget and it is intertwined. >> there does not seem to be a clear message. >> guest: >>catherine: >> guest: there is a propaganda war. they want to have workers file reports over an ipad. saying that it is more efficient. and there was one time when you could call in sick and, in the next day and get overtime. >> or even time and a half. >> guest: even the bart president said that they did not do that all the time that they're using it as a talking point and it is not that helpful. work rules are important. in the history of
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labour in this country employers can be arbitrary about scheduling. and the way that they would use people and the unions to try to regulate that not just on wages. you when somebody talks about taking away were quarrels. they say wait a minut of like when they take away -- work rules -- i am a single mom that will impact my schedule. and from a management point of view they want to management costs better but also hard to manage those costs? i think that they are closer than they saying. they just have to get to that. and start talking. the federal mediator had tremendous progress up to that particular point.
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>> looking towards tomorrow, they are perhaps looking at a hellacious commute. knowing that do think that they're going to meet commute and tried to get this working >> guest: through i think that they will get this at least by 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. and make an announcement. i do not think there's any harm that they will do to get this solved. however, the working poor is a difficult strain. they need to swallow their pride and move forward. >> from what i understand 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for the announcement. if we do not hear anything by 5:00 p.m.? >> guest: then it could be a difficult commute tomorrow. >> yes with michael.
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you can do so on twitter - at-yaki-blog.
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>> the nike women's marathon is underway. this is causing street closures and muni route changes. this video of the runners was sent to us by a kron 4 viewer this morning from bay and laguna streets. the race started at 6:30 this morning at union square. 25,000 participants. it will travel along the waterfront and through the presidio and golden gate park. it will then finish at the great highway by 4 p.m. race officials say that residents who have trouble getting to their homes should call 3-1-1. for more information on street closures and muni schedules you can go to
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>> according to a new report, u-c-l-a is not properly investigate an increasing number of complaints of racial bias among their faculty. an internal review found claims of discrimination rarely resulted in punishment. the review was set in motion after a group of faculty approached the school's chancellor. a letter to faculty and administratiors was sent out friday promising changes will be made. the first will be to appoint a full-time discrimination officer to investigate complaints. >> new information on a case that had some florida residents hiding behind locked doors. two convicted murderers who were mistakenly released from prison are back behind bars. charles walker and joseph jenkins were arrested at a hotel in panama city. they were taken into custody without incident. officials say the convicted murders forged paperwork to spring themselves -- both men were serving life sentences without the possibility of parole. florida law enforcement coordinated with u-s marshalls to locate and capture the escaped inmates. >> coming up the lif report
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fr the bart tragedy yesterday a live report, coming up. look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years
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with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> let us check in with janu >> yes, these microclimates are in full swing with fog along the coast. and low visibility along the peninsula but certainly, those microclimates. however, temperatures? they are starting to warm up. 45 degrees novato 50s in concord and upper 50s in fremont. as the go for this afternoon and mainly sunny skies. but partly sunny skies with breaks of sunshine. a bit cooler for the half moon bay pumpkin festival . we are expecting
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more 80s for the inland areas in pleasanton. eat to degrees in antioch and san jose. for the evening it is going to cool off a bit. the futurecast showing that it is going to be in the mid '50s in oakland. and about 60 degrees for fremont. what we can expect for your work week. how about traffic with robin. >> thank you, it is pretty quiet right now and of course we have the bart strike. and thousands of extra commuters joining you on this sunday. let us to a traffic check on the peninsula the highway #280/1 0 1 they are just fine but still, there is no bart service. leave early if you are going to the airport. the 92 westbound however, is heavy through a san mateo
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county towards the coast. many people are going to the pumpkin festival. allow yourself some extra time. n-t-s-b authorities are leading the investigation of the fatal train crash in walknut creek. >> a memorial is been set up for the victims in oakland. those men were inspection the track between the walnut creek and pleasant hill stations. bart officials say one worker usually inspects the track while the other serves as a lookout. the two men were looking for a slight dip in the rail reported from an earlier train driver. this type of inspection is considered a simple approval mike spehler, has more details. >> reporter: the ntsb is sending to investigators to the bay area and they should arrive some point this afternoon. they will do a fact-finding investigation.
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still, this train is still here for investigation it happened just before 2:00 p.m., yesterday. there were no passengers because it was on a maintenance when run. nobody knows who exactly was running the train but they do say that both men were experienced. as for the accidents they say that the inspection was a dip in the tracks. there were veterans of the industry. >> these are two of the long term railroad track specialists. i cannot over emphasize to you along these have been in the business not just working for bart but i think that some of these workers have a
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considerable amount with track work. >> the officials have not released their names but one of the bart employees is in member of the union. despite the strike by the larger of the unions the employee made the choice to show up for work. marty, to put this into perspective, it is only the sixth and seventh in debt and over 40 years. seven--and six, fatality on their watch. >> commuters are now the pittsburgh bay point they want that offer to go to
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arbitration and bart is rejecting that ideal wages and working rules are continuing with schedule and the use of new technology. >> work rules govern our lives as workers and our union rights and we are not going to give those up. those are issues that protect us. to give that up means that anything can happen. they can do and say anything at all. >> the president, station... antonette bryant, the president of a-t-u local 15- 55 tells kron four... that negotiations between the unions and bart management is at a stand- still. the two sides did not meet at the bargaining table saturday... and, it's unclear when the two sides will meet face-to-face. they are all however, continuing to struggle to come with any negotiations. and, that it does not have proposed and go to
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arbitration to hammer out work rules. including daily scheduling. and the use of new technology. plans on presenting bart's members... in the meantime... a spokesperson for bart and, while members of bart's largest union -- s- e- in oakland... died. we're now taking a closer workplace issues behind the city bart breakroom, which is filled with more than >> reporter: an antcrawls on the microwave.,. behind the mini fridge a pile of mice droppings. and the the stuffy spacehits strong >> "like a dead rat, something dead." >> reporter: a station agent for 17 years. patricia peters showed me her break room at the daly city bart station. the room is behind this blue door, under the stair case. >> " my arms are barely out. how tall are out 5'5." >> reporter: signs say not to throw food in the garbage peters says it is because rodents live here. >> "you leave your lunch at the table, run outside to get a soda and you come back in and a rat is eating your food." >> reporter: dripping down the walls what peters told
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me is urine seeping through from above. the room also serves as storage for outdated fliers. and lost and found. like this bike and broken tv. >> "that is part of what we are fighting forsafety and better working condtions for us." >> reporter: in response to the dirty daly city break room bart tells kron 4 news. "the room they are talking about is the brochure room. it is not intended to be a break room but atu employees have put things in there to make it a break room just for themselves." and there is an official break room on the platform level. peters disagrees. >> "that room for train operators right back on train they don't have time and for the floor workers that room accomaadations there is not enough room this is the station agent break room." >> "how do they clean it? there is a bottle of lysol lying around." >> "we work really hard to make bart number 1 we work very hard and i just think >> reporter: in daly city justine waldman kron 4 news. >> stay connected with kron- 4 for the latest on the bart strike. check in on also - our facebook and twitter pages. you can also download our
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mobile app to get push alerts for the latest bart information. >> it is october but vicki liviakis will tell us where we can book our holiday reservations.
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>> kron 4's vicki liviakis will tell us where to book your holiday dinner reservations. dine and dish holiday >> you can never start too early making your holiday plans. we have recruited a foodie. >> let us what of the halloween candy for a turkey leg if you would like to an alternative? what would you suggest? >> you know, americana does a holiday feast for the family it is well priced and also great ingredients. i would also recommend boulev we always have a great time and also the big 4 is a great atmosphere with potpies, in manhattan p.m--
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piano of music. >> fun and elegant. and bicks and scaliardi.>> and all italian? >> yes, that is great for christmas eve it is all about seven different types and also 816 puts on and also 1300 is doing a gospel brunch that will be a lot of fun with great music and great food. >> absolutely. >> and cannot leave out the libations. where are some of the hottest places to go? >> i may bit of a traditionalist. go to the elixir with big punch bowls and also the hideout and the egg noggy nog..and you said stumble.. (laughter) >> for more information, go
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to and click on dine and dish. vicki liviakis, kron 4 news.
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>> this is the public's event of volunteer. this was the last community volunteer this year. they work to refurbish st median strips. describe the impact the volunteers make. >> these are major projects. however, there is no way that with all of the city staff that we could get all of this done. with least 300 people, times 400 e quitting
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that to the number of hours worked. equate --. and we really appreciate all of the health of the community pitches and. >> the giants community cleanup will return in the month of february. and also let us talk about the forecast. >> right now, is a bit chilly. some fog and dense conditions. but plenty of sunshine. mild to warm temperatures. cloudy and as for tomorrow we are going to start off tomorrow with some afternoon sunshine. speaking of temperatures? this is where they're sitting right now. 50s in oakland. 51
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degrees through san mateo and low 50s in the south- bay. plenty of sunshine and also a pleasant conditions with 81 degrees in los gatos and campbell. low 80s along the delta and 83 degrees expected in livermore. as well as or red . and for the east bay shores we are looking at mainly low 70's. 71 degrees and alameda. and close 70's for downtown san francisco. partly cloudy conditions along the coast. mid-60s expected for half moon bay. low 80s through napa, sonoma and upper 70's through petaluma and novado. the satellite and radar we do have high pressure in
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place. that is keeping things dry and mild and these conditions continue for the work week with slightly cooler temperatures. it could bring some drizzle to the coastal areas but we're going to see the increasing clout conditions. cloud-- conditions and how about traffic? for the treasure island the music festival you are going to see the west 80 decent through the bay bridge toll plaza. we did see traffic backing up in the cash lanes but it is an easy commute. all the way towards downtown no problems east bound. there is also the nike marathon there are delays along the marina district. there is low
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visibility in several areas please just watch your speed. 12 minutes between he word and foster city. between hayward... and foster city. and a quick check on the traffic maps if you normally take bart to richmond or berkeley and a your driving the 80 is looking decent from the maze all the way to the carquines.. it is still looking decent. just leave early the lawyers of some extra time. there are several activities for the weekend.
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several same sex couples in new jersey are finishing last minute wedding plans today all thanks to an unexpected supreme court ruling. many will wed in ceremonies to be held shortly after midnight. the weddings were planned after the state supreme court approved a lower court order for new jersey to begin recognizing same sex marriages on monday morning. governor chris christie's administration is appealing the decision. but justices say they won't hold up marriages while they consider the appeal.
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[ laughter ]
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he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this.
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[ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. >> this is the anniversary of a tragic day in bay area history. on october 20th 1991. the oakland hills firestorm killed 25 people and burned nearly 4-thousand homes. the blaze took 3 days to contain. it is still one of the worst fires in u-s history. the economic loss was estimated at $1.5 billion. at the fire's peak, it destroyed one home every 11 seconds. gusting winds and 90-degree temperatures spread the flames to more than 15- hundred acres. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay slightly cooler temperatures with some high clouds on friday. and a chance of coastal drizzle but a decent forecast for
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your inland areas. >> stay connected with the bart strike with and our facebook, twitter and also download our news mobile app to get push alerts we will have the kron 4 news at 8:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. that will be it for us this morning. thank you for joining us and we will see you tonight at 8:00 p.m. have a great day. (music)
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. discover the champion in you! . . (applause) well, god bless you. and thanks so much for letting us come into your homes. if you're ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. i promise you we'll make you feel right at home. but thanks so much for tuning in. thank you again for coming out today. i like to start with something funny. i heard about this husband and wife. they had been arguing. now they were giving each other the silent treatment. the man had to get up early and catch a flight the next day and he needed his wife to wake him up. not wanting to break the silence, he left a note on her side of the bed. it said, "please wake me up at 5:00 a.m." the next morning he


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